student teaching finally begins!

>>  Friday, January 21, 2011

first, let me preface this by saying, I'm sorry for the lack of capitalization and possibly grammar. it's an email I typed to a friend who is student teaching at the same school, and I get lazy in non-formal emails, and I'm too exhausted to fix it to be a proper blog post. the things in italics are things I'm adding for ya'll.


so. lemme just tell you about my ridiculous day.

started off by waking up late {7:45, had to be there for an 8:15 meeting} [oh, and left my lunch that I'd made at home on the counter.. at least I had some cash!]. then sat through that super depressing meeting {about budget cuts at the school} but we're gonna get jobs, so let's not think about it anymore lol

went to class, met a student who apparently is one of the big problem kids. my team gives out citations before giving out steps. 3 citations = 1 step. he's on step #4. not good. {students get 3 steps before a referral to an administrator}

I had to yell at my class for the first time today. my mentor teacher stepped out into the hall to deal with a student, and the class went crazy. I told them to settle down and told specific students to sit down, but nobody was listening. then the class started yelling at the student that I'd told to sit down, so then I told them forcefully to let me handle it. that shut everyone up. then I told the kid to sit again, and he wouldn't. so I stood up, looked him straight in the eye, pointed at his seat, and said "SIT. DOWN. NOW." and he plopped down. and I felt terrible. I'm just not used to that yet. I know we have to, but I don't like it.

anyways, we played with mirrors in class today, and some of our kids were acting up and had to go out into the hall. they came back in for a few minutes, then classes changed. turns out that one kid had stolen one of the small mirrors. he has a history of stealing things from these teachers. THEN he went to Mr. S's class, and long story short, he ended up cutting himself up his arm. not super severely, but still. and we found out later that day that he had pretended to cut himself in the same place with a pen at first, but that teacher didn't see any marks so she just told him to stop holding his pen like that.

my teacher stopped this student on his way to the bus and asked him if he had stolen the mirror. he said no. lied STRAIGHT TO HER FACE! then she asked to see his arms, so he had to roll up his sleeves and we saw a few minor cuts that *could* be attributed to a cat or an awkward paper cut or something.. but it wasn't. so we went back to my teacher's room and were talking with the rest of the team, and Mr. S says that he thinks that he saw the kid throw the mirror away, so he went to check and found the mirror in the trash. so we collected it as evidence to show the 7th grade counselor on Monday.

GAH. It was unreal.

OH. and this has nothing to do with my team, but apparently a teacher found a 7th grade girl in the bathroom with a thermos full of some super strong vodka. what the heck? 7th grade!

also, this was the kicker. there's another student who has been absent since before Christmas break. he has SEVERAL absences from throughout the year, so Mr. S finally called the kid's mom today to see if he was sick or they'd suddenly moved or something that would've caused the kid to miss school. All this time, she thought that he'd been going to school. He'd been leaving like he was going to school, coming home at the right time, WRITING IN HIS AGENDA AND SHOWING HER so she thought he had all of his assignments.. so Mr. S said something about how the only excused absences he had on record was from a week that he missed last semester. He excused the absence since he had gotten the email from her.

"what email from me?"

the kid hacked her email account and emailed an excuse note to Mr. S! OH MY GOSH. where do these kids learn this?!

but here's the best part. the mom said that she would deal with the kid, but "my husband got tickets for the Blue Man Group tonight, so I'm gonna play dumb tonight and deal with it tomorrow."

give that woman a prize! what great parenting. wow. Mr. S told us that, and we all just dropped our jaws. unREAL. wow.

I am still in shock. but despite all of that, I still had a good day. is that crazy?

oh, the life of a middle school teacher.

Also, I found out that my granddad has been in the hospital all day. He fell and hit his knee at work, which they think somehow pulled some muscles in his heart or something? he was reporting chest pains, but the EKG showed no signs of heart attack or anything, which is a huge blessing. His knee is pretty messed up though. but at least he's safe. but pray for a quick recovery. this is the last thing he needs right now.

What a day. I'm exhausted. It's only 7, but I'm seriously considering heading to bed. I'm so tired.

2 days down, 58 to go.


Ansley January 21, 2011 at 10:24 PM  

kids these days... and parents! geez

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