Flashlight 5k

>>  Sunday, January 2, 2011

On New Years Eve, I ran the Flashlight 5k last night! I had several goals for the race:
  1. Beat my time from last year [41:07]
  2. Get a sub-40 time
And one that I wouldn't allow myself to make for fear of not making it was to run the whole thing.

I did the first mile with Stephanie, then she needed to walk and I wanted to keep going. So I did. The course was pretty flat, minus the first huge hill at the very beginning. I had already resolved to walk the hill the second time, but the second lap rerouted a bit and didn't include the hill. So on the second lap, I just kept running. I made it to mile 2 and I wasn't tired, so I kept running. Then all of the sudden there was a half mile left, and I was like, "Oh, I've got this!" So I kept running. I came up the last little hill and saw the time sign, just as it turned to 39:00. I thought, "Oh, HECK NO. I'm not gonna get over 40 minutes!" and I kicked it into high gear.
And I finished in 39:19. I completed all of my goals, and then some. I felt amazing. There was a pizza dinner afterwards with salad and a cookie. It was delicious, but I think I could've eaten cardboard and it would've tasted good. Afterwards I went home and got ready for Stephanie's party. We played some Mario Party 8 on the Wii and Guitar Hero on the Xbox, then we counted down to midnight, set off fireworks, and I went home because the lovely TRU gods decided to schedule me at 6am. Yay. I'm ready for these early shifts to be over. Waking up at 7am will seem like a dream instead of a nightmare now.


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