Day One

>>  Monday, July 21, 2014

Here's the newest installment of the Workout Diaries. I sound like such a goober.

I've also put together a list of rewards for reaching my weight loss goals.

Starting weight: 220 lbs
Goal weight: 145 lbs

215 lbs                       New music
210 lbs                       New workout dvd
205 lbs                       Fun workout tank
200 lbs                       Get pedicure
195 lbs                       New book
190 lbs                       30 minute massage
185 lbs                       New running shoes
180 lbs                       New dvd
175 lbs                       New workout outfit
170 lbs                       Weekend beach trip
165 lbs                       Something from amazon wishlist
160 lbs                       New jeans
155 lbs                       New design class
150 lbs                       New outfit ($100)

145 lbs                       Trip to Disney world

Maybe some of those are crazy, but I think it'll help motivate me. I'm also going to create a schedule of workouts so that it's not so easy for me to skip out. I'm looking for anything that will keep me from quitting like I always do. I hope I can make it happen this time.


Workout Diaries: Starting Out

>>  Sunday, July 20, 2014

I went to DC this past week, and I took several touristy pictures. When I looked at them, I deleted several of them because I looked awful. I've gotten a lot more stationary since I started my new job (which I've been at for a year! Can't believe it!) and it shows. So I decided to get serious. I'm tired of my weight being an issue. I'm tired of hating the way I look or not being able to buy some of the current styles of clothing.

And to (hopefully) keep me motivated (even though I'm not great at this whole blogging thing), I'm gonna try video blogging. Here's the first one to start off the Workout Diaries.


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