30 Day Challenge: Day 23

>>  Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 23: Favorite Vacation

I would love to go with the cliche again and say "DISNEY WORLD!" but I think my favorite vacation was one that we took about 6 years ago. Since 7th grade, I've been allowed to choose one friend to take on our vacations, since my siblings and cousins are so much younger than me. I took Hanna with me to the beach one year, which was fun.. but not the best decision, in hind sight. Hanna didn't like seafood, so going out to eat was hard. But I got better at choosing in the future lol

So in 10th grade, I took Nicole with my family to the beach. The next year, we decided to do something different, so we rented a cabin in the mountains. We went to Gatlinburg and rented a 3-story place. My aunt, uncle, and cousins stayed upstairs, Memama and Pepaw stayed on the main floor, and my family stayed on the lower floor. Nicole and I got a futon, and my brother [he was like 11 at the time] decided to sleep underneath the pool table. Nicole and I got to travel down the Gatlinburg strip, and we went white water rafting one day. That was a BLAST. We did a lot of hiking in different areas. It was great. We ate out a few times, Charles made his famous wings, and we had lots of game time and fun. Oh, and I got to beat up my brother for the first time without repercussions. It was a great trip.

Plus I definitely prefer mountains to the beach.


krista January 12, 2011 at 9:43 AM  

I also wouldn't choose Disneyworld for my favorite vacation, even though that probably would be a popular answer. I think mine was when my family went to Yellowstone - just driving through the mountains, staying in little cabins...it's the little stuff like that that makes the best memories :)

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