January Bucket List

>>  Sunday, January 2, 2011

December wasn't so successful, so I'm gonna put some of last month's onto this month's list.

  1. No cokes for a week. This one is gonna happen this time. Day one of seven is almost complete! Sugar-free water flavor packets will be my new best friend.
  2. Print pictures for my room. I got a cute new frame from my parents' trip to Disney World, plus my other frames that are sad and empty.
  3. Try a new recipe for dinner. I found some really good ones in People magazine that I want to try!
  4. Set up a payment plan. I haven't been able to pay my student loan payment in recent months because I've spent $200+ each month in gas to get back and forth to Athens. Lame. I also have lots of money to pay back to my parents from my college years, so I want to figure out the best way to do that. I need to get something on paper though because they tend to say one thing.. then a few days later, they say something COMPLETELY different, so this will help things a lot.
  5. Complete 23 Things Before 24 list. I need 6 more things that I want to do before I turn 24 in November.
  6. Get more shoes for student teaching. I have one pair of flats that I've used for both semesters of our teaching practicum, and now I have a new pair of short boots. Both pairs of shoes are black, so I need some brown and maybe some grey shoes.
  7. Complete teaching resume. I started this last semester, but then the end of the semester hit and CHAOS ensued. I need to finish this and practice interviewing, because I seriously suck at that.
  8. Exercise consistently. I don't wanna put a number on how much I exercise, because that's setting me up for failure. If I run a few times a week and do some exercises on the Wii Fit or using Jillian Michaels' DVD, I'll consider it a success.


Ansley January 5, 2011 at 12:47 AM  

For help with #4- http://www.mint.com

Lynn January 5, 2011 at 9:54 PM  

Oh, I definitely use mint, but I meant more of figuring out how much to pay. I've figured out how much my loan payment is, but I also need to figure out how much to pay my parents each month.

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