December Bucket List - Recap

>>  Thursday, December 30, 2010

December is over, so it's time to see how I did!

1. Read Voyage of the Dawn Treader before seeing the movie.
I ended up seeing the movie before I finished the book, which ended up being okay because the movie was different from the book. I started reading the book the next day, but I never got around to finishing it. maybe next month.

2. No cokes for a week.
 EPIC fail.
I'm so NOT a morning person, so when I'm working the 6am shift and I don't drink coffee, coke is the only option. gotta get some caffeine somehow! again, maybe next month.

3. Bake an apple pie.
I baked one on Christmas Eve, and I also made fudge for my co-workers. both were delicious, if I do say so myself.

4. Run 20 miles each week.
I hardly ran at all, buuuuuuut I did decide that since I failed miserably at this, I needed to at least complete part of my 23 Things list [not yet published]: run at least a 5k each month. So I'm running the Flashlight 5k in Lawrenceville tomorrow at 6pm. free long-sleeved t-shirt AND pasta dinner afterwards!

5. Have a family game night.
When Memama and Pepaw came up to celebrate Christmas, we ended up playing a giant game of Phase 10 in partners. Pepaw got frustrated because he and Grant were losing, bad.   But he gets mad when he's winning because we always skip whomever is in first.. so he gets mad no matter what place he's in. I wonder where I get it from?

6. Complete 30 Day Challenge.
I missed a few days when I was working all day or doing something with the family, but I've come close! I'll finish the month at day 22, so I'll consider this an overall success, despite not finishing 100%.

7. Unpack my boxes from Athens.
finally unpacked the boxes so that I could get my super awesome Georgia Christmas tree. incentives tend to work well with me.

8. Print pictures to put in room.
 as of this moment, fail. however, I still have one day left, so I'll try to print them tomorrow and will update in 2011!
I have picked out several pictures that I want to print, but I've been too lazy to actually go get them printed. Walmart just isn't convenient to get to, but I dunno where else to print them. maybe Walgreens?

I wish this had been more of a success, but I did have a great month, so I'm not complaining. I'll get next month's list up in the next few days!


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