Day 8: A Place You've Traveled To
I haven't traveled to a lot of places in my life, so this was pretty easy to pick. I've been out of the country once, to Grand Cayman and Cozumel, but that was a weird trip.. so I won't write about it.
My favorite place that I've been to is Chicago!
Two words: NAVY. PIER. YES PLEASE! Wish I still had the picture of the navy guys that we asked to take a picture with.. I should find out who has that.
Christian, rolling down the hill in a trash can in the park |
Our church youth choir went in June after my senior year of high school. I went with several of my closest friends, and it was awesome. We got to sing some awesome songs at several places around Chicago, including the zoo. We somehow convinced Christian to get in an empty trash can and roll down a hill. I believe it had to do with a triple dog dare?
Gino's East! |
My favorite part of the trip, other than the aforementioned Navy Pier, was Gino's pizza. I underestimated the awesomeness of Chicago deep dish. Never again. That was single-handedly the best slice of pizza I've ever had. I even convinced my mother to go there when she and Dad went to Chicago in November. She had nothing to do for a day, so she went to Magnificent Mile, and she had lunch at Gino's. She loved it. Best pizza ever.
seniors at Gino's |
It was a great trip. I can't remember any horrible or even remotely unpleasant part of the trip. And I want to go back SO badly. Chicago = love!
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