bucket list
- adopt children
- go to a Colts home game
- meet Matt Diaz
- get married
get an iPhone{01/15/11}- take a road trip with my best friends
run a 5k{Dec 2010}have a 4.0 semester{summer 2009}- kiss in the rain
- record a song/album
go skydiving{July 2013}- learn to cook
rescue and foster cats{BZ and Roscoe, Dec 20, 2012}- impulsively kiss someone
- eat at one of Gordon Ramsey's restaurants
- go to Venice
- see a musical on Broadway
- change the life of a student
- lose 50 pounds
- pay for a stranger's meal
- make out with poprocks in my mouth
- meet Patrick Dempsey
- swim with dolphins [edit: in the wild, thanks to The Cove]
- take pictures of Waddles [my penguin] in different places, like the travelling gnome
- own every Disney movie on DVD
own the entire series of Gilmore Girls on DVD{Nov 2012}visit the Smithsonian museums{07/15/14}jump off a cliff/surface [into a body of water]{08/08/10}- run the Disney half-marathon