30 Day Meme -- Day 1

>>  Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 01 - Introduce yourself

I've kind of already done this here. I'm Lynn, I'm 22 years old, and we're gonna get real deep here.

I feel like a complete fraud.

I feel like I have fooled everyone into thinking that I am better than I am.

I have no idea what's going on with my life. I know where I want to end up. I want to be a middle school teacher. But I don't know how to get there.

I feel like I'm faking my way through school. I feel like I'm not as smart as people think I am. I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.

I can't seem to manage my money well enough. No matter how hard I work, I never am able to save anything. Something always happens. I blow it on going out to eat with friends and rationalize it by thinking "I won't get to do this next year, once I become an adult." I have to buy gas, update my teacher wardrobe, fix my STUPID car, etc. It never ends.

I am more insecure than I ever thought humanly possible. I don't like a lot of my personality. I like some things: I'm fiercely loyal. I will do anything for my friends. Yet they won't always return the favor. I always reach out to people, but they never reach out to me. I have stopped talking to several of my friends to see how long it takes them to realize that we haven't been in touch in awhile. It's been almost 5 months, and I've heard from one person, and that was just the one time. I think I'm a good friend.. perhaps I'm wrong?

As much as I want to lose weight and be thin and beautiful and have guys like me and want to date me, I think secretly I don't want to lose the weight. I'm afraid of losing the weight.. and then becoming fat again.
I haven't told anybody that before.

I'm also really struggling with my faith right now. I've only shared that with Alysha. I still believe in God and believe in Christ as my Savior.. but I'm struggling with seeking Him daily, especially when everything in my life seems to never work out. Other people live in sin, consciously, and everything goes right for them. I try sooooo hard to live a life free of sin, and nothing goes right. I can't get a job; I don't have a boyfriend; I am graduating a year late, which basically makes me the biggest disappointment to my parents; I can't lose weight; I lost my best friend/my first love completely out of left field; I am not important to my "friends". I mean, I don't smoke [which is good since I'm allergic and I would die if I did], I rarely drink, I don't do drugs, I haven't had sex aka didn't get pregnant at 18 like the rest of the women in my family, graduated in the top 3% of my high school class, made the Dean's list several times in college, and have tried to be as loyal and trustworthy and honest as possible.

So why can't I be rewarded? Especially when other people are! It's just frustrating, and I know what everyone will say: "things will catch up with them later" or "I know it seems like things are hard, but they'll get better."

It's been almost three years of this, and it hasn't gotten better. I'm tired of it. I can't take much more. I feel like I'm drowning, and I can't get to the surface.

Not a lot of people know this. I try to keep a brave face on and pretend that nothing is wrong, because nobody likes a Debbie Downer.

But I can't keep it inside anymore.

This is me.

Like it or not.


A. September 15, 2010 at 9:18 AM  

I love you Lynn. Thank you for sharing this here.

Anonymous ,  September 15, 2010 at 5:32 PM  

HI! IT's actually EmmySuh but I could only comment under this profile.

OK, first of all, sorrrrrrry that I lost track of URL and I'm glad I've found it again, because the 30 Day Meme really is interesting to read about people.

I have to admit that this entry was really hard for me to read. As a person who does drink, has smoked (Not habitually, I'm an asthmatic myself), has had sex, has cussed, etc. it hurts me to think that you feel like people who don't deserve more. I know you probably didn't mean that I personally am undeserving, but that's how it comes across. I know our belief systems are different, and I totally respect that -- but I don't think I'm a bad or less deserving person because I have done "bad" things.

But like I said, I know you didn't mean to be personally affronting, and the main focus here is that you feel like you've not found the joy and "Reward" in your life that you wish had by now.

Honestly, I think the issue here is outlook and perspective. I HATE it when my mom hears me complaining or worrying about something in my life that I think is bad and reminds me that it's all about perspective, and when I want to see something in a positive light, I will.

I'm all, MOOOOOM, I just want to complain right now!

But -- it's true. Your family life may be complicated, you may be behind in schedule, you may not have found the love of your life yet...but...you do have so many blessings and joys in your life. They are little, perhaps, they aren't the ones you were looking for but they're there.

I'm sorry, I didn't meant to come in and become all preachery, kamikaze let me tell you about your own life on your own blog -- totally not my intention, I know you are sharing your frustrations in your voice. But this entry worried me because I have seen many other people with similar complaints through life never feeling content...I don't want that for you ebcause I think you are special, joyful girl.

Hope this comment didn't make you made. Feel free to delete or get mad at me. :(


msujenny September 15, 2010 at 5:52 PM  

I just ran across this randomly, looking at friends of friends of friends, but your blog struck a chord in me.

Something I'm learning right now: life isn't fair and that totally sucks.

I think we have similar spiritual beliefs, so here's what helped me. Maybe it will help you too. Read the story of Job in the Bible. If anyone could say that things sucked, it would be him.

I hope you gain understanding and peace.


Lynn September 15, 2010 at 10:26 PM  

@Alysha: I love you too :]

@EmmySuh: thanks for your comment :] I wrote you a message on facebook because I couldn't find an email address anywhere on your site!

@Jenny: thanks for the comment. Job is actually my favorite of the Bible. I take comfort in knowing that Job struggled too. He did overcome all of his hardships, and I know I will too. thanks for the reminder :]

krista September 16, 2010 at 8:45 AM  

Lynn, I don't know if you remember me...I used to follow you on Twitter, I hope you don't hate me for unfollowing you. The reason was actually because I have zero knowledge of football and at the time, that's what you tweeted most about. ;) I thought you had quit blogging, but I found you throw your comment on K's blog.

Anyway, I just wanted to give you kudos for being honest. This couldn't have been easy. I remember being your age and everything seeming so unfair as others got to move forward while I felt held back. Life is unfair, sometimes we don't think God's plan is very just, and it still frustrates me. Right now I'm being back from something I have wanted for as long as I can remember, and it feels like undeserving people have what I want. If you ever want to talk, please just throw me an e-mail. I feel like there's a lot of hurt in this blog, and that breaks my heart. :( Take care!

krista September 16, 2010 at 5:04 PM  

oh lord, through not throw. sorry about that. :)

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