Ten on Tuesday

>>  Tuesday, May 24, 2011

1. Have you ever used Craigslist? yes, to get my amazingly comfortable futon before sophomore year
2. Can you sew? no, but I can stitch up the back of a bear!
3. Do you pour syrup on your pancakes or dip your pancakes in the syrup? both
4. Rain storms: Love them or hate them? used to hate them, now I love them. one of the things on my bucket list is to kiss someone in the rain. I also kind of want to get married in the rain
5. Do you like swimming? yes
6. What kind of drink do you order at Sonic? depends on my mood. either a cherry coke, cherry sprite, or green apple slushie
7. Are you funny? I like to think so.. people always laugh when I say things, but they could be laughing *at* me.. apparently I talk funny?
8. At what age will your kids get cell phones? I'll probably get them one of those cell phones that can only call certain numbers as soon as they start going to places with friends, like 11-12? then a real cell phone when they start driving
9. What’s your favorite vegetable? green beans
10. Were you a Girl Scout? Mom says I did brownies, but I don't have ANY recollection of that. and my memory is amazing. so I'ma go with no.

I've been doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred to lose weight before our cruise to the Bahamas, and it's amazing. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to lose weight or tone up without spending a lot of time. It's 20 minutes, but it's intense. SO worth it. I was so sore the first time, but now I'm getting used to it and it isn't nearly as bad.


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