Day One
>> Monday, July 21, 2014
Here's the newest installment of the Workout Diaries. I sound like such a goober.
I've also put together a list of rewards for reaching my weight loss goals.
Here's the newest installment of the Workout Diaries. I sound like such a goober.
I went to DC this past week, and I took several touristy pictures. When I looked at them, I deleted several of them because I looked awful. I've gotten a lot more stationary since I started my new job (which I've been at for a year! Can't believe it!) and it shows. So I decided to get serious. I'm tired of my weight being an issue. I'm tired of hating the way I look or not being able to buy some of the current styles of clothing.
And to (hopefully) keep me motivated (even though I'm not great at this whole blogging thing), I'm gonna try video blogging. Here's the first one to start off the Workout Diaries.
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my painting background |
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Heather's painting background |
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we added our "Van Gogh swirls" |
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Heather's "Van Gogh swirls" |
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we added the stars and the Atlanta skyline (to be filled in) |
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Heather's stars and skyline |
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my filled in skyline |
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Heather's filled in skyline |
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my finished painting |
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Heather's finished painting |
First of all, we've got a new look! My Illustrator 101 class homework for week 3 was to design a blog header and button, so I decided to make the change. The colors remind me of the beach, which I need to visit soon. I need to spend a few days sitting in the sand, reading and listening to music, sipping on a drink and not thinking about anything. But for now, that's not happening, so let's get back to it.
Lately I've been thinking about the people that have come and gone from my life. Having moved around a lot, there are LOTS of them, but a few have been hitting more than usual.
Corey: I miss my old teammate. We only teamed together for half a year, but I thought we really bonded. We went through hell together, then he went to 6th grade and our hells continued to grow. Thankfully, he got a job teaching SS (his subject of choice) at another middle school and I got my current job, so we're both much happier. But I miss seeing him and talking to him.
Jake: We were close in college. (BTW that was SO weird to say. I can't believe I graduated almost 3 years ago. That's insane.) We initially met through my freshman year roommate Liz, then we re-met through Jona after Rylan and I broke up. He was a good friend during a rough time. I had a crush on him at different points in our friendship, but eventually I realized that it would never work out. I don't know if our friendship was always so one-sided or if it changed to be that way, but it got too hard to even be around him. I felt that I was always second (or third or fourth or fifth...) to everyone else. The final straw was when Katie threw a surprise party for my birthday.. at his apartment.. and he wasn't there. He left in the middle of the day to go to Valdosta. After that, I put up a shield and moved on. But I'll hear a song that we would sing or watch a movie that makes me think of him, and it makes me sad. Like deep, heart-wrenching ache.
Lindsey: She was my best friend in 4th and 5th grade. I haven't even really talked to her in like 15 years. But I saw Haley's post for Lindsey's birthday the other day, talking about their long friendship, and it made me really miss her.
Nathan: One of my first real crushes. I used to chase him around the Sunday school classroom and try to kiss him on the neck (no idea why..), and he would call me "um girl" because I would say "um" a lot. We connected on Facebook senior year of high school, then in college, his girlfriend lived in my building, was friends with someone I knew from church who lived on my floor, and was in my poli-sci class. They got married a few years ago and have adopted a little boy and are in the process of adopting another little boy. I'm so excited for them, but I'm also a little jealous. I can't wait to adopt. Honestly, I can't. I'd do it today if I could.
Allison: My AlliKat. We were best friends in 6th-8th grade. We lost touch when I moved to Augusta but reconnected on Facebook. She's married and has a baby boy on the way! But man, do I miss those old times. Sleepovers at her house, band class, church camp, going to the mall, writing notes on black paper with gel pens and leaving them in desks when we changed classes.
I basically am just wishing that I could go back to old memories and relive them. If I could go back and do my life over, I would. There are a lot of things that I would do differently. College would've been vastly different. And maybe I wouldn't feel as lonely as I do now. I have some great friends, but most of the time, I feel like I'm completely alone. I can count on one hand the number of people that I could call up to hang out. There are lots of people that I occasionally talk to on Twitter or Facebook, but if I had a party, they wouldn't show up. That sucks, but that's life.
The last few months have taught me that I have got to stop making my friendships into more than they are. All that does is lead to disappointment. I get too close too fast, and then I end up hurt. So now I'm guarded. And I'm wary of people. And I don't want to meet people because the majority of the people that I meet and start to love just leave. It's a vicious cycle. At least I have my cats.
That was a lot more depressing than I'd intended it to be, but I'm tired of keeping it in. This is my outlet, and I can say how I feel. I don't mean for this to hurt anyone's feelings or anything like that. Just trying to be a little more honest with myself.
The past month has been crazy busy, but in a good way.
I rediscovered my love for graphic design and decided to take an online class to learn the new-to-me program, Adobe Illustrator. I'm taking Illustrator 101, and I just love it! I'd been using some trials of CS5 and the new CC platform, and I decided to bite the bullet and buy a yearlong subscription for a discounted price. My short-term goal is to master the pen tool, and my long-term goal is to open an Etsy shop (or something of that nature) and sell my designs, whether that is printables, cards, or something of that nature.
I got to go to Winter Jam for the second straight year with Melanie, and I had the greatest time! The music was incredible this year, Melanie adopted a Holt International child with special needs, and we got to hear Michael Tait sing Jesus Freak. We're 1/3 of the way to our dream of hearing Jesus Freak performed live by dc Talk. I finally got to see Lecrae perform, which was wonderful, though I wish he'd done something from his earlier albums. Melanie and I have a date every year, even if she goes to Australia to teach. I'm so grateful that she came up to me after the New Teacher Panel in 2012 and initiated a great friendship!
So far, I've run in 4 5ks (1/3 of my way through my 26 Before 27 goal!) and volunteered for one. I did my first trail run, which was intense. My slowest time so far (my slowest time ever) but not by much (less than a minute) and it was VERY hilly. I haven't picked a March race yet, but I'm doing the Color Run in April with Brittany, and we're doing the MS Walk with our work. (Please donate!) I'm also volunteering with Bubble Palooza in May, and I'll get to run that one for free, so yay!
We've had two different bouts of snow in a 3 week span. Thankfully, I wasn't stuck in it either time, but some of my coworkers were in their cars or in Home Depot overnight during the first storm. By the second one, nobody was taking any chances. I'm hoping that we don't have weather like that again for quite some time. I'm good with the cold, and I don't even mind the snow, but when it cripples a huge city like Atlanta... no bueno.
My best friend had her baby, and he is unbelievably cute. I mean, I'm biased and I admit it, but he is honest-to-goodness one of the CUTEST babies I've ever seen. Let's be honest; not all babies are cute fresh out of the oven. But he was. But when you have parents as good looking as his, I guess it's to be expected. My bestie is beautiful... and so is his wife ;) Sorry that I don't have pictures to share. I *have* pictures to share, but I'd have to check with Melissa and Russell before posting them.
I think I might try to redesign my blog soon, but probably in baby steps. I'm really really tired of this look. Gotta spice things up! So hopefully with the next post, we'll have a fresh new look.
blessed: (adj) characterized by happiness or good fortuneAnyone who has heard the story of my life over the past few years knows how happy I am to be where I am right now.
I recently finished my "26 Before 27" list, and one of the items on there is to volunteer somewhere. I decided to combine that goal with another goal, run a 5k every month.
So I started looking at races for upcoming months, trying to find one race that I would like to participate in and another race that I would like to volunteer with. I don't have a volunteer race for January, but in February, I'm going to volunteer for Run the Reagan. I thought about running that race, but I found another one that was smaller, cheaper, a trail run, and benefited a local high school that one of my friends teaches at, so I decided to just volunteer for RTR.
For March, I'm still looking, but I think I'm going to participate (either run or volunteer) for one at an elementary school near my house. April, on the other hand, is jam-packed. I've got the Color Run (duh, running) the first weekend, MS Walk in Marietta the second weekend (either walking with work group or volunteering), possibly volunteering for an event that some of my coworkers are doing the third weekend, and MS Walk in Atlanta the last weekend (either walking with work group or volunteering, whichever I didn't do for the walk in Marietta). And then in May, I don't know what event I'm running, but I'm DEFINITELY volunteering for Bubble Palooza at the Gwinnett County Fairgrounds. I think I read somewhere that volunteers get to participate too, but either way, YES. It's basically Color Run + BUBBLES. Who could say no to that?!
Another thing on my list was to find a church that fits all of my needs. I've been looking around for awhile, but most churches have done away with "singles/20s and 30s/post grad/etc" groups. And even more have done away with your typical "Sunday School" type setting and gone more towards "small groups" and such, which makes it harder to meet people sometimes. But I decided to bite the bullet and sign up for a 20s and 30s community group through Grace Fellowship Church. The group meets in my town on Thursday evenings, and I believe it's co-ed, which is a huge draw over 12Stone. Don't get me wrong; I LOVED my small groups and the girls that I met through them. But I want to meet guys too. I know what you're thinking, but trust me, this isn't about dating. At least, it's not *just* about dating. I'd be lying if I said that thought didn't cross my mind. My main desire is for fellowship. I haven't had a good group of guy friends since high school. Even the ones in college turned out to be more of acquaintances than friends (unless it suited them, but that's a whole different story). So we'll see what happens with the community group.
I'm also going to try out the church. If all else fails, I could still do 12Stone as my church and Grace for community groups, but I'd like to just have one church. It sure would make it easier. Beggars can't be choosers though, I guess.
I haven't cooked as much as I'd hoped to (at least, not for myself. I cooked a good bit for Melissa, Russell, and Baby-To-Be-Named-Later/Rhubard/Indiana/Kendra-Flowers/StacheJr this weekend), BUT I did try this amazing tortellini bake recipe. I was a little bit skeptical at first, because I usually just cook tortellini and throw pasta sauce on it, but I am telling you, baking it made all the difference. Even if I hadn't put the cheese on top, the baking really infused the flavor. I will never cook tortellini the same (old) way again. And it was super quick and SUPER easy. It will most likely become a staple recipe in my house for when I don't feel like really cooking.
One of my goals for 2014 is to blog more, just to get things out of my head. I want to do something like Heather does and review books, tv, and movies; however, since I just got a new crockpot, I'll also discuss any recipes that I've tried!
I like leftovers, but I hate eating them for days and days. Except for poppyseed chicken... I could eat that every meal for the rest of my life! So when I cook, I try to make things that Heather can eat too, which can be difficult because Heather is lactose intolerant... and I LOVE my cheese.
For my first crockpot adventure, I wanted to make something for both of us, so I found a few recipes and let her choose. She decided on teriyaki chicken, so I made this recipe. I took an inventory of our pantry before I went to the store to make sure that we'd have all of the ingredients needed. It was really easy: mix ingredients in a bowl, put chicken in crockpot, pour mixture over chicken, cover, and wait. I made rice and grilled zucchini to go with it. It turned out really well. I've got enough left over for lunch tomorrow and another serving, which I'll probably take to work on Tuesday.
I've even printed off a menu planner to attempt to plan out my month. I've always feared doing this because I hate when I plan something and it doesn't happen, but another goal for 2014 is to not let things get to me as much. Sometimes I'll want to go out to dinner with someone or I'll be in the mood for something else or I won't be hungry, and that's okay.
I'm really excited about a recipe that I found on pinterest, a chicken and cheese casserole. I'm planning on cooking it next Sunday. I have a feeling that my new crockpot and I are going to be great friends!
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