Let's do a quick recap of what has happened since last month:
- I moved back home for the school year since I'll be student teaching in Gwinnett, aka NOT commuting every day in the spring!
- I reapplied at Toys R Us since I couldn't commute to DQ every day in the fall.
- I got a job at this new "Toys R Us Express" store that they were opening. I told my boss at DQ that I would need to cut my hours until she could find a replacement for me [which she knew was coming.. this wasn't news to her].
- I went on vacation with my family. During the vacation, I called my new TRU boss to see when I needed to work the next week. She informed me that the store would no longer be opening, so I was down to just the DQ job.
- At that point, I decided to call my DQ boss and let her know that I could work as much as she needed. She then informed me that she had actually already found a replacement and would no longer need me.
- So I went from having two jobs to having zero jobs. Just my luck.
So last week, my DQ boss called me to get my address so that she could mail my latest paycheck. She starts off the conversation by saying, "I think I made a mistake." Long story short, she basically begged me to still come back if possible. So I knew that starting Monday, I would be back to working myself to death.
So I decided to have a weekend blast. I got my friends together to hang out on Friday night for pizza and The Proposal, then on Saturday morning we did brunch and watched Power Rangers: The Movie. But Sunday was the best day.
Alysha's grandparents' lake house |
Alysha's grandparents have a lake house on Lake Lanier, and I've been ITCHING to go up there all summer. So we finally went! It was me, Alysha, Taylor, Collin, & Stephanie. Steph had never been to the lake and isn't much of a water person, so I was worried that she might not have fun, thus hindering the fun of the group [because who wants to have a blast when someone else is miserable??], but she was fine.
not us, but we never got any pictures of us tubing. this is what we were doing though! |
We got up there and had to wait for Alysha's grandparents to get there to get the keys, though it turned out that the keys had been there the whole time haha we decided that Collin would take Stephanie out on the jet-ski first while Alysha, Taylor, and I went tubing.
our three-person tube |
We got on this three-person tube and went flying. We held on for FOREVER until we hit a bunch of wakes in a row, and I finally had to let go; Alysha was right behind me. We all smashed our faces before letting go, so Alysha went up to the boat while Taylor and I did another spin around the lake. I got Taylor off the float by accidentally capsizing the tube haha
Taylor on the jet ski |
We took the boat in to give her granddad a break, so Alysha took the jet ski out for a bit. Then we decided to tie a second tube to the back of the boat, and we convinced Steph to come with us. Collin refuses to go tubing, so I was worried Steph wouldn't, but she agreed to go. We put her on the three-person tube with Alysha and me, and Taylor took the single tube. It was so much fun, but I am feeling it today.. I am SO incredibly sore! Who knew you'd use that many muscles tubing?!
When we took the boat in for good, I decided to take the jet ski out for a bit. I loved going super fast and jumping over the wake from other boats and jet skis! It was amazing. When I got back, Collin was jumping off the top of the two-story boat dock. He asked if I wanted to jump, and for some reason, I said yes. I'd told myself that I would do EVERYTHING possible, no matter how scared I was to do it.
So I jumped.
jumping off the 15 foot dock! knock THAT off my bucket list! |
It was exhilarating. I shouldn't have done it because of my ears, but oh well. I even did it a second time. It was amazing. SO MUCH FUN.
When we'd finished having fun jumping off the dock [including several rounds of Taylor and Collin jumping at the same time], we went inside for dinner. Her grandmother cooked teriyaki chicken, noodles, and a homemade tomato sauce. We also had these marble brownies for dessert.
all that was left of two trays of brownies.. we ended up spliting that one into five pieces haha
As final documentation of the trip, we took some group shots. P.S.- the lake water made my hair curly.. they need to bottle that stuff! haha
me and Alysha: the curly haired duo! |
goofy pic! Alysha didn't quite get the memo though.. |
group shot of the five of us |
It was such an amazing day. I really hope we get to do it again soon!